This is a temporary exhibition pavilion in the international festival of architecture and design «ArchMoscow» The pavilion is a wooden structure covered with green building wraps. The interior is formed by bypass galleries of the patio type. The upper galleries could be achieved by stairs serving as stiffening elements of the whole construction. The floor surface is covered with brown bloating clay. The interior is filled with vertical strips of cloth, on which the video clip presenting the Underconstruction exhibition project is projected.
A soundtrack created especially for the pavilion is being played in cycle all the time the pavilion is functioning. The pavilion has been intended to appeal to all senses of visitors.


План первого уровняFirst level plan
План по кровлеRoof plan
Фасад 1Facade 1
Фасад 2Facade 2


Специально для павильона Ганс Хольман создал soundtrack, зацикленный на все время существования павильона.

Original soundtrack produced specially for the pavilion by Guns Holman is looped for the whole its life cycle.

Выходные данныеCredits

Функция: выставочный павильон, инсталляция
Место: Россия, Москва, ЦДХ
Год: 2001
Клиент: а_0
Размер: 45 м
Материалы: деревянный брус,
строительная сетка, керамзит

Function: exhibition pavilion, installation
Place: Russia, Moscow
Year: 2001
Client: a_0
Size: 45 m
Materials: timber, construction mesh, haydite

Борис Бернаскони, Сергей Морей Саундтрек: H.O.L.MAN,

Architects: Boris Bernaskoni, Sergey Morey Soundtrack: ​H.O.L.MAN