


January 10, 2019, Davos, Switzerland – Emerging Technologies Investment Meeting is set to kick off in Davos during the world’s top business gathering on January 25th. A few dozens of visionaries and companies creating innovative environment for institutions, industries and entire nations will present their projects.

Boris Bernaskoni, the founder of BERNASKONI bureau, an award-winning architect, a three-time participant of Venice Biennale of Architecture and the author of Russia’s first presidential center, Yeltsin Center, will present Hypercube, the first transformable building, raised outside Moscow that exists not only in the dimension of space, but also in the dimension of time and communication. The building’s flexible façade and interior space can be transformed in time. Concrete exo-frame allows to update the façade. Interior space can be easily transformed according to the function of the building. Initially open public building can change its function and become a closed technology campus or an office blocks of resident companies.

Boris Bernaskoni: “Hypercube is about layers of hardware and software. The hardware is the skeleton: an exoskeleton, which is the changeable façade, and the internal skeleton parts. Contemporary façade age within 30 – 40 years, but functions age even faster. The software is the internal structure, designed to allow easy transformations during the building’s lifespan.”